Friday, August 7, 2009

They are to be respected

And I went WT?!?! In my head....
Stupid lady in charge of the museum was thinking that we were disrespectful to the cancer organ specimens there....
My kids and I went for a field trip to day to coincide with the biology topics I've been teaching, and one of the place included a university medical museum. Yeah. I've been there, along with Mr J and A before with some other batches of students before this.
So procedure during this time was slightly different. I just managed to call the dean yesterday and a lady picked up. When I told her that there are about 8 of us only (turned to be 6 - 2 absent) she said it's fine. no need letter.
So this morning we went, jolly going there to see the things.
there wasn't any problem to begin with, since there wasn't anyone there when we went to the museum about 9.30
then I had to go loo, so left the 4 kids there.
Came ack and saw all 4 of them sitting outside the centre with some lady and guys of uni staff looking over them.
Apparently another small group of students from another school came to the place, and the lady thought we didn't ask for permission.
I told the puffy and peachy lady that I did call and a lady answered my phone. She said who and i told her frankly I didn't get the name. She went off in a huff then
So I continued the "trip" with the kids in the museum when that same Indian lady came with another lady, asking me aside. Since there was a lsight commotion already, my kids stopped and stood next to me.
they started interrogating me like some couple of MIBs who thought that we came to their museum to steal the specimens for fertilization!!!
Come on! It's cancer specimens. It's in enbalming fluid bottles. We were just looking at it.
And THE INDIAN lady had the nerve to tell me: "You must treat them with respect, not make fun and gawk at them" WTH?!?!?! What were we doing? playing catch the ovarian cancer? "You are not supposed to take pictures too" _ Hello... We knew that, and we didn't . The other school on the other hand took pictures with normal flashing cameras!!!Students were gawking!!!
And she said," This museum isn't open for public. U need to have the right channel to go through to visit here"
Yeah... I called and was told no need. Now u say I need letter of permission, blah blah blah, lectring me there, making me look like a BLOODY IDIOT in fornt of the kids. Of Course, being courteus as always, I just went into apologetic mode, gomen...gomen... ok :0 ok :) will do that...
U people change your policies like changing underwears only... old ones coming out smelly, new ones not looking good at all pun.
The nerve...When the other lady, more "apologetic" sounding and formal went to ask her - since they're here,can they go on then?
The INDIAN LADY: Go lar go lah, they saw half of it anyways.

That was when my students came themselves ad said they're done. don wanna see anymore.

Oi lady!!! It's no wonder they don wanna open it to public, with a mediator like u, it's HELL. THEY SAW HALF OF IT... wah.. must be bloody top secret huh?
BEST is still: BE RESPECTFUL... How? Bawa colok to the place. give one to every organ specimen we want to see is it?
ISH... Makes me want to discard the field trip for future usage...

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