Wednesday, October 14, 2009

As I am writing now

As I am writing now, I am currently beside my bed. ooh...
Well, didn't manage to go to work today as I suddenly had all the flu, cold, fever chills, body aches and lethargy at the same time this morning itself. It was goddang painful to get up at all wei, I thought I had broken my body. My family were quite worried too, insisting that I should see doctor. I know this is a temporary thing one, as my body tend to accumulate the restless nights, and effects till a certain point and KABOOM!!! I was feeling the tiredness seeping out yesterday in fact as I came home.
Well, had to apply Emergency Leave. Initially thought I could be better by noon, but by 11 I was still painful everwhere, that I had to sms on my bed itself to extend the EL. Then I went to sleep again till 12!
Woke up slightly better then and took abit of food. Went to sleep again at 1.30 till 4!!! Now, not that I'm jolly healthy and jumping, but at least I feel much better that I can actually start typing :p
Anyways, I should be able to work tomorrow.
My body's alarm signals can be so teruk at cases one... sigh....

another note, the grandfather of one of my other kids passed away peacefully yesterday. My condolences to her and the family.

Time to sign off now. Gotta rest a bit more.. maybe another nap...

1 comment:

我话你知, Zen... said...

mr Jef !! always take good care !! get well soon =]