Friday, May 1, 2009

Holi holiday

Finally. A 3 days break into the weekend after such a hectic week!!!! yay!!!! :p

still have things to do though... the papers...exams... papers... exam... sigh...
But not doing it today, as of Friday, the 1st of May!!!! It's worker's day DUDE!!! so not doing any work today. In fact, woke up at 12pm today just to have lunch...chee chong fun and some yong tau foo... Now just munching into some biscuits, after having a pint of chocolate ice cream from NZ Ice cream - my sister bought for me yesterday...

Now hungry pulak...

there. that's me room for those who wants to know... Hahahahaha!!!! And yes, There's an x box there, the LCD TV (32"), a small hifi system, and the GH World tour apparatus for the Xbox. Got about 3 board games too - Pandemic, Mall of horror and Pirate's Cove... Yes, my room is very child like... so many games and messy :p


Eh eh..There's nothing else to say. Nothing else matters :p
Have a goddamn good weekend, workers!!!!


我话你知, Zen... said...

where are all the miniatures ? cant spot them >_<"

jeff said...

lol... they're in the car boot :p