Friday, July 31, 2009

animations - faerie tales 1

What I'm planning to do tonight, out of the blue is to write a fairy tale wit a considerable small twist (Lame i think). mayb by the time i finish it, it could be compiled then :p

But b4 that, some trailers of movies that is to watch out for :
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
9 (tim burton!!)
Sherlock Holmes (Robert downey jr and Jude law)
Alice in wonderland (Johnny depp and tim burton!!!)
District 9
Bruno (warning! Borat look a like!)

Now; the first story : Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl by the name Red. Now she was named that way because she just couldn't stand wearing anything else other than red. Now Red has a grandmother who lives on the opposite of a forest located just a few acres away from her house.
In the forest lives a big bad wolf, the size of a human, who can walk on 2 legs at time, as well as talk. Now this wolf has always wanted to look for an excuse to taste human flesh.
One day Red was told by her mother to bring a basket of fruits to er grandmother's house. Red, being filial to the parents went to the forest with the basket.
Halfway through the dim litted forest, Red was startled by a hulking dirty and raspy old person, who was cloaked from head to toe. Being nice, Red asked how is he.
"Are you alright, sir?" asked Red.
"I'm just tired, little one," rasped the cloaked one. "May I know where are you headed to?"
"I'm on my way to visit my grandmother, sir." replied Red. "She's not feeling well these days. It's the flu, I think."
As Red uttered the final word, she turned around and was surpised to see no one there, not even the uncle.
"Sir?" Red asked to the forest. "Where are you?" she started searching for the cloaked uncle, not knowing the he left her.
Now, the uncle was really the wolf in disguise. Having known that Red's grandmother was ill, he ran on his fours limbs straight to the house at the edge of the forest and knocked the door.
"Who is it?" asked the old lady behind the door.
"It's me granny, Red,"replied the wolf in his shrillest voice.
"Oh. You have a cold, Red? Anyways do come in then," the grandmother said as she opened the door.
No sooner than that the wolf pounced on her, suffocating her. When the grandmother died, the wolf drgged her corpse to the kitchen.
Taking a knife, he sliced her wrist and poured the blood into a wine bottle. The wolf then sliced the grandmother's body to small pieces, leaving the bones at the backyard. All this no longer than 10 minutes. He then put both the meat and the bottle in the fridge.
The wolf then lept into the grandmother's bed in her clothes, which covered till his pointy nose, and waited for Red.
red finally reached the grandmother's house and knocked on the door.
"Yes dear. What's up?", replied the wolf in his raspy voice.
"Can i come in? Mum asked me to bring some food for you," replied Red. "By the way,is your flu getting worse? Your voice is different."
"Oh yes, dear. It's bad. Come in tough. The door's unloocked", said the wolf.
Red opened the door and peered into the room.
"Come in dear. I'm not going to eat you," said the wolf on the bed. "Why don't you put the basket on the table? Also, you may take a drink from the bottle of wine from the fridge. My friend passed it to me," continued the wolf.
"Alright grandmother," said Red as she headed to the fridge. Opening the door, she took out the bottle of wine filled with her grandmother's blood and took a sip from it.
"You may also have a slice of the cold meat ther, dear. It's from my friend too," cotinued the wolf. Much to his delight, Red took a bite of it.
"Now dear, can you come nearer to the bed? My eyesight isn't as good as it used to be," said the wolf from the bed.
Red headed to the bed,still biting on tothe sliced meat from the fridge. As she approached, she saw the odd nose.
"grandmother?" asked Red. "How come your nose is longer?"
"So that I can smell better, as my eyes fail me, Red" replied the wolf.
"I can see you have sharper teeth too, grandmother" said Red.
"Oh. I'm too ill to brush my teeth now. So it's growing rapidly" answered the wolf."By the way, can you open the windows? I need some cirulated air, dear," continued the wolf softly.
Red obediently opened the window and moved to the wolfs bedside. As she did, the wind blew in and she shivered a bit.
"Are you cold dear?" asked the scheming wolf.
"Yes, grandmother," replied Red holding herself.
"Why don't you cuddle up to me in the bed here then, dear?" asked the wolf.
"Alright, grandmother," answered Red as she moved onto the bed and lied next to the wolf.
"grandmother?" asked Red. "How come you're hairier?"
"It's because I'm cold, Red." answered the wolf quickly. "Now wny don't you let me hug you for comfort?"
Red nodded, thinking all this time that the wolf is her grandmother.
The wolf hugged Red from behind; on the bed, and showed his paws and sharp nails.
"Grandmother? Why is it your hand are like that?" Red started to ask, now realizing slowly.
"So that it's easier for me to stab you my dear," answered the wolf.
The wolf then stabbed Red's chest.


hope u like it!!! :)
Late addition: The ending wasn't like this. I changed it a bt as it was more.... SX and gory.

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